Amazon CloudWatch Archívum - Road to AWS This is my cloud journey Sun, 23 Jun 2024 18:30:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Amazon CloudWatch Archívum - Road to AWS 32 32 Enable logging in API Gateway Mon, 21 Jun 2021 17:39:53 +0000 Now that our Amazon API Gateway is up and running it is crucial for us to detect any errors or misusage. Our Lambda functions already…

A Enable logging in API Gateway bejegyzés először Road to AWS-én jelent meg.

Now that our Amazon API Gateway is up and running it is crucial for us to detect any errors or misusage. Our Lambda functions already have logging enabled by default and we can see the possible errors and usage metrics under each function’s Monitor tab. On the other hand, our API Gateway doesn’t have logging enabled by default. In this episode, we will set up logging for that as well.

CloudWatch settings

Different logging settings can be applied for each API stage. That is why we find the CloudWatch settings under Stages -> [stage name] -> Logs/Tracing.

For CloudWatch logs we can select from two logging levels: INFO to generate execution logs for all requests or ERROR to generate execution logs only for requests that result in an error.

We have the option to log full requests/responses data by selecting the appropriate checkbox.

Also here we can enable detailed CloudWatch metrics.

Let’s say we have never enabled API logging before. In this case, when trying to save our changes we will get the following error:

CloudWatch Logs role ARN must be set in account settings to enable logging

CloudWatch permissions

The above error appeared because we have not yet set up the CloudWatch log role ARN under Settings.

❗ Keep in mind that API settings are global. They apply to all of our gateways. Changing the CloudWatch log role ARN in one API Gateway will change it on all of our gateways provided that we are using the same region!

Let’s try adding our previously created role: simple-api-role ARN. You get the ARN from the IAM console -> Roles, and then selecting simple-api-role.

Upon adding our ARN we get another error: 🤯

The role ARN does not have required permissions configured. Please grant trust permission for API Gateway and add the required role policy.

Our role is not yet configured to write to CloudWatch. Let’s go back to IAM and update our simple-api-role with the proper permissions.

First, we need to attach the AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs policy to our role. We have done adding policies to roles before. If you have stuck go back to the Adding a new Lambda function to an API Gateway post where I described how to attach a new policy to an existing role. But we are not done yet… ⏱

On the Trust relationships tab click Edit trust relationship and add If you only used Lambda with this role this example policy document will work for you:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": [
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Now that the permissions are properly configured we can go back to the API Gateway and add the role without any errors. 🤠


We have set up the CloudWatch log role ARN now it’s time to enable logging in our API Gateway.

When we enable logging in the /aws/apigateway/welcome log group we will see a new log entry: Cloudwatch logs enabled for API Gateway. This means we have done a great job! 🥳 Unfortunately, the log message doesn’t say for which gateway but based on the timestamp we can double-check if this our gateway.

The Amazon API Gateway will generate a new log group based on the following format: API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_apiId/stageName. Here we can find the log entries for our API Gateway.

We are almost finished with our API Gateway series. But we have the most important task to last: Documentation. 📄

A Enable logging in API Gateway bejegyzés először Road to AWS-én jelent meg.

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Adding a new Lambda function to an API Gateway Mon, 05 Apr 2021 21:42:16 +0000 In a previous blog post, we have created an API Gateway with a Lambda blueprint. With it, both the API Gateway and the Lambda function…

A Adding a new Lambda function to an API Gateway bejegyzés először Road to AWS-én jelent meg.

In a previous blog post, we have created an API Gateway with a Lambda blueprint. With it, both the API Gateway and the Lambda function were automatically created and linked together. Now we will do this manually and see how an API Gateway can trigger a Lambda function.

Creating the Lambda function

First, we create a Lambda function as in the previous post but instead of selecting Use a blueprint we now select Author from scratch. We give our function a name. Under Permissions we won’t create a new role for this function, we will select our existing role that has been created by our blueprint.

After clicking Create function our Lambda code is created and is ready to be linked with our API Gateway. For this, we go into the API Gateway service.

We would like to use this function as a new resource so we create a new resource and in that a new method. On the method settings, we select our new Lambda function as we did before. We now can see in our API flow diagram how our newly created Lambda function is executed.

Upon clicking on Test we can test our new API call and everything looks okay. Are we sure?! 🤔

Is everything okay?

Remember, that we selected to use an existing role for our new Lambda function. Does our role have all the required permissions?

If we go back to Lambda and check out the Monitor section we see no errors.

But upon clicking View logs in CloudWatch we get an error.

This means that logging doesn’t currently work on our new Lambda function. We have to manually create a log group and allow our role to write to this log.

In the CloudWatch console, we select Log groups and click on Create log group and name our log group exactly as in the error message. In our case: /aws/lambda/simple-api-auth

💡 When the log group is created remember to note down its ARN because we will later need it.

Now, to allow our role to write to this log group, we have to go to IAM and modify our role. We see that the CloudWatch permissions are in the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole policy.

We now select this policy and click on Edit policy. Under the resources section, we click on Add ARN and add our newly created log groups ARN. Save the policy.

And we are done! We have added a new function to our API Gateway and set up the necessary permissions. 🎉


  • Keep your permissions maintained in IAM. Specify resources and only allow policies that are required.

A Adding a new Lambda function to an API Gateway bejegyzés először Road to AWS-én jelent meg.

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